Meet Sarah

Meet Sarah

Sarah has lived in my drawer for over 20 years. In life there are moments that stick with you forever. Sarah is a reminder of one of them.
It was a warm spring day when my 4 year old daughter, Heather, came bursting in the Kitchen door in tears holding Sarah. I gathered her little body in my arms wondering what on earth could be the matter. Between sobs, Heather held Sarah up to me and explained. “Look mom. Flare chewed off Sarah’s arms and legs”. This was devastating to Heather as this little, blonde, plastic doll had accompanied her everywhere.

Flare was our family dog, a cute brown Pomeranian. As the youngest of our three children, Heather was alone with me while her siblings were in school. Initially she talked to her imaginary friends and then there was Sarah. Sarah was small enough to fit in little fingers and pockets and came along with us wherever we went. . There was a constant dialogue with her little friend. I explained to Heather, “Flare, didn’t mean to hurt Sarah. She was just being a dog and dogs like to chew.” Heather was quiet for a minute, then looked up at me with those big brown eyes and resolved, “It’s okay. You would love me even if I had no arms and legs. I replied,“Of course. Then I can still love Sarah too!” said Heather jumping off my lap and heading off once again to play. Unconditional love. As a parent this is what you want your child to know: Above all, in any circumstances, you are loved. As you would suspect, then it was me who was crying.
Sarah continued to accompany us on many other adventures.

It was years later when Heather was grown and I was cleaning that I discovered Sarah in one of my cupboards. Once again tears filled my eyes. In a family systems and beliefs course they talked about moments like this. They are “aha moments”. These are moments that that resonate so strongly with you that there are actually physiological connections made in the brain. This is called a perturbation. For whatever reason, I put Sarah in my bedside drawer. On occasion I would remember Sarah, and at times look for her and take her out of my drawer. In times of stress it was a reminder that deep inside our daughter knew that she was loved unconditionally. On momentous days, it was a reminder of the big heart Heather had.

Heather went on to study at Vancouver Island University. Her undergraduate  Arts degree was in Physical Education and Psychology. As a summer job she worked with individuals with Brain Trauma and she felt her calling was to become and occupational therapist. She will be working with individuals like Sarah.

During her last semester she did a course where she needed to develop a skill. Heather chose becoming a diving instructor. It was here she found research indicating people with disabilities had emotional and physical benefits when they became divers. 

Heather was able to take a course in Grand Cayman and become a dive instructor. Here she saw her dream to teach disabled people to dive become a reality. Heather was able to accompany two paralyzed divers on their first open water dive. She was touched by the visible joy these divers expressed at experiencing the freedom they felt in the ocean once they surfaced. Apparently there was not a dry eye in the boat. And she added, “They had better buoyancy than you mom!”. Thanks for that Heather.

Today Sarah will attend a special occasion….The graduation of my daughter Heather with a Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Alberta. It will be life changing when she walks across that stage to accept her Masters. Heather now has a job working with seniors as an occupational therapist. We are so proud of her.

Sarah represents a seed that was planted over 25 years ago that now has become reality. …And now maybe Sarah will have a new home… in Heather’s dresser drawer. It will be a reminder of her accomplishment, her parent’s unconditional love for her, and a heart full of love for others who are less fortunate than she is.

As a mother, today is a day of letting go. Heather will be continuing to live her life…another chapter of life for me and for Heather.

A few year’s ago, during a song workshop in Italy,  I wrote the song “ Another Day of Loving You”. I think it is appropriate to share that song with you today in the link below.

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