I Won the Lottery!

“I Won the Lottery!”

I’m not a big purchaser of Lottery tickets, however it wasn’t long ago that I was talking to our son, Curt and in jest I mentioned, “The Lottery is at 60 million dollars …Did you buy a ticket?”

What you wouldn’t know is that my son has always has loved money.

I remember when he was two. I went into clean his room and I kept finding his little socks filled with change and stashed in corners everywhere. I asked, “Where did all this money come from?” Curt wasn’t a really big talker so he took me by my hand and directed me to my bedroom. He then proceeded to drag a chair up to our bureau, reached up on top to the little change bowl that my husband deposited all his loose change in and grabbed a little fist full. It never twigged to my husband and I that the little change bowl never got full. That was because on a regular basis my little guy was literally socking it away. I guess Curt realized that we used money and somehow it was important.

Of all of my children, my second son, Curt, was the saver. The allowance never got spent. His bank account always increased in value. Yet as we walked down the streets of San Francisco, this was the 6 year old who stopped and reached his little hand in his pocket to leave change in a homeless person’s hat.

I wasn’t sure what his answer would be when I asked “Did you buy a lottery ticket?. But then I never am sure what is going to come out of his mouth.To my surprise Curt responded, “I don’t need to buy a ticket. I already won the lottery”.

I looked at him quizzically and asked, “What do you mean you already won the lottery?”

Curt looked at me with those sparkling eyes and his characteristic grin and answered my question.“ I won the lottery the day that one sperm out of millions from Dad found your egg and made me!” As I previously said, I never know what was going to come out of Curt’s mouth but I didn’t expect that. There was silence and then we all started to laugh. I was amazed. Trust Curt to come out with a statement so profound.

The fact that each one of us is here is a miracle. If it weren’t for the DNA in that one sperm meeting that one egg we would not be here and have the opportunity to live life, as we know it. Regardless of the circumstances of our birth, we have the chance to live in this world and impact those around us through ups and downs.

So you see, today I turn 60 and I won the lottery! When that tenacious sperm met with my mother’s egg on that particular day I was conceived and have had the opportunity to laugh, to cry, to love and be loved and to experience and affect this world in a way that no other human being has. Not to mention Curt or my other children wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t here! That certainly would be a sad day. Everyday is a gift.

If I term my life as cash, I need to ask myself the question, “What cash or debt do I leave in this world?” It is my hope that my music is part of the “cash” I leave behind.

I won the Lottery! You won the Lottery! We all won the Lottery! The world is changed because of our existence. Thanks for allowing me into your life and letting me share my new CD Another Day with you.  I have attached the song “I Carry You in My Heart” from  my latest CD.

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